Adriaan Bos was a partner at a big law firm for 25 years and served on various boards. He was amongst others one of the co-founders and the Chairman of Lex Mundi, a very successful network of law firms in 150 jurisdictions around the world. Nowadays he combines his work as business mediator with his passion for writing.
In Brussels Adriaan Bos presented his novel ‘Advocate of the truth’ to Sophie in ‘t Veld, the prominent Member of the European Parliament well known for her dedication to protect the privacy of the individual and of human rights in general. She will find a companion in Thomas, the main character in the novel.
Advocate of the truth is a thrilling story set in today’s society, marked by populism, growing intolerance, terrorism, the yearn for security, the falling away of structures, and failing (political) leadership. A society in which technological developments seem endless, but where the privacy of the individual is undermined with no remorse.
Adriaan Bos, whose choice to trade in his legal briefs for extended stays in monasteries and nature, has added a semi-autobiographical element to the protagonist. He has crafted a suspenseful story that addresses universal values and philosophical issues. His personal commitment to defending the privacy of the individual and to stimulating compassionate social leadership, shines through in his impressive debut.
The author lives in the Netherlands.
Advocate of the truth
A fast-paced dystopian thriller. On the brink of a dystopian future. We are heading for a society in which all human consciousness ceases to exist.
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