Debbie J. Callahan resides with her husband Scott, and the greatest cat in the world, Calvin, in Downeast Maine. Callahan is a high school teacher instructing English and Exploring the Holocaust through Film and Literature.
Over the years, she has worked with Holocaust survivors and liberators, and volunteered at a Holocaust center. Additionally, she worked alongside the mayor of her city to coordinate Holocaust Remembrance events. She now devotes much of her time to writing and teaching about the importance of Holocaust Remembrance and Education.
Her books and lectures focus on everything from the danger of hatred, racism, and Antisemitism, to fighting Holocaust denial and the personal responsibility of sharing the stories of survivors, rescuers, liberators, and victims for future generations. In doing so, she fulfills her promise to survivors that their stories will not die with them and they will not be forgotten. Callahan writes and speaks to assure those who died at the hands of the Nazis did not die as statistics, numbers of dehumanized, faceless victims. She tells instead the stories of people who lived, worked, and loved; thus, sharing the humanity and legacies for generations to come.
Defying Death on the Danube
Defying Death on the Danube is a must-read story of strength, survival, and resiliency.
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