Grace Feuerverger

Grace Feuerverger

Grace Feuerverger was born and raised in her beloved city of Montréal surrounded by a multitude of languages and cultures inside and outside her home. She is professor emerita of education and ethnography at the University of Toronto, and taught courses on language, culture and identity as well as peace education for many years.

Grace was educated at McGill University, the Università per Stranieri in Perugia, Italy, the University of California at Berkeley, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Toronto. She has also been an invited member of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO for many years.

Among her many publications are two award-winning books: Oasis of Dreams (about a cooperative Jewish-Palestinian village in Israel) and Teaching, Learning and Other Miracles (about education as a sacred life journey). Although now retired, her heart will always be in the classroom with her students. Grace and her husband divide their time between Berkeley and Toronto.



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Winter Light is about a sequence of serendipitous rescues—an emotional rags-to-riches story spanning decades through the milestones of an unexpectedly fortuitous life. At its core stands a little girl buffeted by huge historical events which she didn’t live through personally but which marked her forever.

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