Joseph Schupack was a Holocaust survivor (1922 – 1989) from Radzyn-Podlaski, a small town in Poland. His entire immediate family perished in the Second World war. In 1981 he decided to write his memoirs, The Dead Years. His unusually detailed recollection of names and dates makes compelling reading.
Joseph Schupack passed away at the age of 67, leaving a wife and two sons.
The Dead Years Holocaust Memoirs
Joseph Schupack's poignant story offers a unique perspective on the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations. Proceeds benefit YadVashem.
More info →Tote Jahre – Eine jüdische Leidensgeschichte
Joseph Schupack beschreibt den eigenen Leidensweg und den verzweifelten Kampf ums Überleben, seine Erlebnisse in Majdanek, Auschwitz und anderen Konzentrationslagern wie Dora-Nordhausen und Bergen-Belsen.
More info →Dead Years Holocaust Memoirs
Large Print Edition in font size 16 of Joseph Schupack's The Dead Years for the visually impaired in the Amsterdam Publishers Large Print Library.
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