Thom Harinck (The Netherlands, 1943) lives in Amsterdam and is married to Marjan Olfers. Together they have three children: Jane, Charlotte and Tobias. Thom is the author of several books on martial arts, such as Muay Thai or Kickboxing. He can be reached at
Julio Punch (United Kingdom, 1971) is a Dutch translator and computer instructor. He has practised several martial arts as well as yoga: he has a blue belt in kyokushinkai karate. He studied Philosophy and Cultural Anthropology. The current publication is his first book. He can be reached at
Thom Harinck Godfather of Muay Thai Kickboxing
Memoirs of Thom Harinck, the celebrity kickboxing coach of countless national and international champions and mastermind behind 3 K-1 championships.
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