Escaping the Holocaust and Fighting the Nazis. 1938 - 1948
The extraordinary memoir of a living veteran, who was witness and protagonist of World War II and the Diaspora of millions of Jews forced to migrate across borders. It is also the story of a boy growing into a man, whose identity is shaped in wartime, as he ponders on war values, idealism, national identity, migration, first love, and family ties.
About the Book
Berlin, 1938. Sixteen-year-old Rudi is summoned by the Nazis and informed that he is “under surveillance” as an enemy of the Reich. The circle of Nazi intimidation is closing in on him, his family, and all German Jews. Fearing for his life, and driven by his ideals, Rudi escapes to British Palestine to become a kibbutz pioneer, drying the swamps and training in the Haganah. As the Nazi Army under Rommel’s command lands in Africa, Rudi enlists in the British Army to fight the Nazis, serving as a member of the British Intelligence Service in the frontlines in Africa, Italy and Greece, participating in the battle of Anzio, and the liberation of Rome. After the Germans surrender, Rudi returns to devastated Berlin looking for his uncle, survivor of Terezin concentration camp.
Beyond Borders is the extraordinary memoir of a Jewish fighter, the story of a boy becoming man in wartime. Rudi Haymann (b. 1921), today a vibrant centenarian, shares his unique story as he ponders on war values, idealism, national identity, migration, first love, and family ties.
Launched on 20 August 2023, Rudi Haymann’s 102nd birthday!
Rudi Haymann’s inspiring life story of resilience takes readers on an extraordinary journey through Europe, Africa, and America, offering a firsthand account of World War II. Through vivid and powerful narration, Haymann skillfully brings the intense emotions and difficult situations he faced, making history meaningful to those who read his testimony.
– Valeria Gómez Meyer. Student at the Freie Universität Berlin. Madricha & Board Member of Hashomer Hatzair Germany
Rudi, a centenarian, is an extraordinary individual whose personal story has left an indelible mark on my heart. Through Rudi’s story, we gain a deeply personal and inspiring perspective on history. His incredible journey serves as a testament to the triumph of the human spirit and the power of resilience.
– Tamara Donnenfeld. Lifelong Learning Director, Temple Beth Am, Miami
At 27, Rudi Haymann had already lived more lives than most of us will over a whole lifetime. At 102, he recalls those early years. Absolutely gripping, a story of fate, survival, moral choices, and daring across one of the most difficult periods of history. It is the ultimate page-turner and it all actually happened!
– Josué Tanaka, Visiting Professor in Practice, London School of Economics. Former Managing Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London
Saying Rudi Haymann’s war was unusual would be an understatement. Born in Berlin, he escaped the Nazis, joining the Haganah in Palestine and then the British Army in WWII. Selected to the Intelligence Corps, he initially worked undercover in German POW camps, and then as a frontline Interrogator. His service took him to the front lines in North Africa and Anzio; to Greece with the resistance, and Italy again, capturing high-profile prisoners. Eventually he settled with his family who had escaped to Chile. In 1942 his CO told him he was a “witness to history”; Rudi immediately started a diary which is now this fascinating book of one man’s commitment and courage in the fight against Nazism. The Intelligence Corps is extremely proud to count Rudi as a veteran.
– Colonel (Retd) Nick Fox OBE. Former Deputy Colonel Commandant, Intelligence Corps
Rudi Haymann’s memoirs are a captivating slice of history. They take the reader on a journey from Berlin to British Palestine, North Africa, Italy, and finally Chile, and paint a vivid image of the places and people Rudi encountered, capturing the readers’ imagination and heart, while also allowing them to grin at Rudi’s fine sense of humor. The touching letters between Rudi and his family are a special treasure: it’s a great luck that they survived the passing of time and the winding paths of life.
– Sarah Blendin, Stiftung Exilmuseum Berlin
The captivating true story of Rudi’s flight from the Nazis and a new life shaped across borders and continents. An evocative, compelling journey of survival against the odds…
– Dr Helen Fry, historian and author, expert in Second World War British Military Intelligence and Espionage
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