The Mindset for Successful Innovators in the Digital Age

Business innovation is no longer optional; it is a license for future survival.

DARE is about innovation and innovators, providing a human centric approach to innovation. DARE gives insight in its most critical component: mindset. Based on more than 50 years of experience with over 200 companies. Recommended by high profile CEOs across industries.

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About the Book

DARE to grow!

We live in times of autocatalytic change in which realizing growth is one of the hardest tasks. A growing graveyard of startups and corporate ventures is just the tip of the iceberg.

Innovation is no longer an option; it is a license for future survival. Research indicates more than 6 out of 10 corporate executives evaluate their innovation activities and capabilities as inadequate. Root cause: a missing innovative mindset and way of working.

DARE is about innovation and innovators. It provides a human centric approach to innovation. Reading DARE gives insight in its most critical component: mindset. Many innovators get lured into the maze of frameworks and methodologies. Only few succeed in instilling a mindset of innovative growth in their organizations.

By reading DARE, you will benefit from over 50 years of experience in helping more than 200 organizations around the globe achieving ambitious growth goals. DARE is written from first-hand experience. DARE to grow!




Dare hit the Amazon Bestsellers List

On Black Friday, 29 November 2019, Dare. The Mindset for Successful Innovators in the Digital Age by Eric de Groot and Matthijs Rosman hit the Amazon bestseller’s lists as a #no 2 bestseller in the category of Business Planning and Forecasting, and also in the category of Sustainable Dervelopment Economics. Kudos to the authors of RevelX!


Authors: Eric de Groot, Matthijs Rosman
Tag: Foreign Rights Available
Publication Year: 2019
Format: paperback
Length: 250
ISBN: 9789493056183

List Price: $22,95
eBook Price: $9,99
In the digital age, one must be fearless about innovating and growth, but first, you must know, should you innovate, and if yes, how and where. This takes strategic planning for you must make allocations for the unforeseen pitfalls that lay ahead. DARE is a blueprint for the innovators of today’s ever-competitive and growing digital age. It challenges the innovator in you, nudging you to consider the ten most important questions you would need to ask yourselves. DARE makes you look at the Digital age with a fine-tooth comb, questioning your relevance and how to stay abreast with the times. DARE is guidance simplify, it is easy to follow and understand.
– Cherry London
DARE is a refreshingly practical guide to approaching change and innovation in today’s digital jungle. It focuses on the skills and mindset required at each stage of the growth journey, and provides highly actionable advice on how to move from one to the next. Highly recommended for anyone looking to make an impact on the future of their organisation and their role within it.
– Amazon customer
DARE is waar het werkelijk over moet gaan Ik dacht dat ik op het gebied van innovatie wel zo’n beetje alles had gezien. Meestal ben ik snel teleurgesteld in het grote gehalte doe het zelf methoden en technieken. De auteurs van DARE daarentegen weten, ongetwijfeld vanuit hun jarenlange ervaring, precies de juiste snaar te raken. Het gaat vooral om het hebben van de juiste mindset en manier van werken om succesvol te zijn in organisaties met innovatie. DARE bevat de juiste ingrediënten en inspiratie om organisaties te transformeren en om relevant te blijven in de digital age. De in het boek geïntroduceerde categorie van Rarely Asked Questions (RAQs) hebben mijzelf op onderdelen flink aan het denken gezet. Misschien zelfs nog wel meer dan de tien leidende (klant)vragen waarmee het boek is gestructureerd. De voorbeelden in het boek zijn verfrissend en herkenbaar en gelukkig niet alleen maar de bekende case stories. Ik heb het één in ruk uitgelezen en een prominente plek op mijn bureau gegeven voor continue inspiratie.
– F. Butselaar
De Groot en Rosman zijn erin geslaagd om een zeer goed leesbaar en essentieel naslagwerk te maken om innovatieve groei te realiseren in bedrijven. Het boek bevat veel nuttige tips en suggesties hoe je een bestaande organisatie kan laten veranderen om deze geschikt te maken voor gedurfde groeipaden. Persoonlijk sprak mij de analogie ook zeer aan met Leonardo da Vinci, als misschien wel een van de eerste DARE practioners. Leonardo maakte, om tot zijn vernieuwende creaties te komen, ook diverse sprongen naar andere wetenschappen en gebieden. DARE laat zien dat innovatie ook een symbiose is van veel verschillende terreinen als strategie, businessmodellen, design, sociologie, psychologie en kunst.
– H. Kreuger
DARE is a very interesting book about innovation and innovators. The book is based on years of the author’s experiences with all different kinds of groups and people. The book is meant to be a guide that the authors believe will inspire innovators. DARE stands for Defiance, Adventure, Realism, Endurance. The authors cover each topic and use real stories to get the point across. The information in the book is especially meant for the digital age. I liked the information in the book and the DARE structure built by the authors. I also found the questions that the authors asked made me think.
– Fred Fanning
DARE is an amazing read! A great practical and  inspirational guide to stay relevant as a firm and drive innovative growth. Eric and Matthijs provide business leaders with the right mindset and ways of working to build sustainable new business ventures and transform their organizations.
– Bas Boris Visser, Global Head of Innovation and Business Change Clifford Chance and Jeroen Ouwehand, Global Senior Partner Clifford Chance
The only certainty is change. For those who embrace this as an important business principle, DARE is a well written and highly valuable manual to survive and even flourish in an ever-changing world.
– Aad Kuiper, President & CEO Hunter Douglas - 100 Years of Innovation
DARE is an excellent framework, which can bring speed and scale to innovation in a big company such as Mammoet. DARE provides an essential blue print for modern companies to successfully survive the next decades. In the networked world of 21st-century business, this is mission critical reading.
– Paul van Gelder, CEO Mammoet
DARE is an excellent book - a timely reminder that the only way to master the digital age is to innovate, innovate, innovate!
– Rowan Gibson, bestselling author of “The 4 Lenses of Innovation"
Eric and Matthijs are very inspiring innovation professionals. Their book and key findings are the breakthrough catalyst in our innovation strategy and growth initiatives.
– Stefaan Le Clair, CEO Galeria Inno Belgium
It is simply an inspiring book. A comprehensive, yet compact innovation guide for the new digital/agile era. Would love to have dozens to hand out to my teams.
– Jack van Strien, former CEO Business Group Philips Personal Care
Dare read this book and you will find a wealth of useful ideas to diagnose and innovate your own business.
– Mickey Huibregtsen, senior Partner of McKinsey & Company and author of “Management Made Simple”
Eric de Groot

Eric de Groot is a well-established growth entrepreneur, investor and Boardroom strategist. He is one of the founders of RevelX, an international growth consultancy firm specializing in business model innovation and digital transformation. He is an experienced startup and scaleup mentor for tech startups and corporates. He held various (non-executive) Board positions in professional services, arts and museums. Eric holds an Engineering Masters degree in Business Administration and Computer Sciences from the University of Twente in the Netherlands.

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