In this self-help book, François de Waal dissects with great precision the ways you can best sabotage things for yourself
How many lives have you got? Stop messing up your life, stop being your own worst enemy.
It is never too late to be really happy
Always complaining, touchy, cantankerous, endlessly brooding, eternally dissatisfied, saying yes but meaning no, thinking constantly that he was hard done by and blaming everybody else François de Waal was an irritating bastard who castigated everything and everybody.
He made every mistake in the book when it came to love, relationships, money, sex and work. Littered with egotism, self-sabotage and silent despair, he muddled along for years without any light at the end of the tunnel. Being gay didn’t make things easier. Until, at the age of forty, he realized that he was an obstacle to himself, his own worst enemy. After years of falling into every trap in his path, it took blood, sweat, and tears to gain insight into his behaviour and actually make changes.
But even more important is the message that there is a solution for every problem. He shows how you can successfully confront yourself and lead a happier life.