In this hard-hitting true story, Sokphal Din details both his and his family’s experiences of life under the regime of the Khmer Rouge, including being taken from their home due to being considered capitalist for living in a city and not the countryside. In fact, they had lived in the capital city of Cambodia, this being Phnom Penh. After leaving here, they faced conditions that were inhumane and very uncomfortable to read, including being sent to the Killing Fields. Din makes sure to detail his awful, evil experiences, to remember the life of the relatives and friends that he lost.
This family did not only fight for their survival, but also fought to be a family and to be with each other. Even when separated, they did everything they could to be together again, and it was so heart-warming and inspiring to read that despite the imminent dangers, they still had strong family bonds, and always tried to be generous to others too. They didn’t just fight to survive for each other, instead they made sure they helped others along the way.
I think the Killing Fields and the regime of the Khmer Rouge are a lot less known about than other awful tragedies and evils that have occurred throughout time and history. If I am being honest, I had heard of the atrocious Cambodian genocide, but never truly the full picture of the events that led to this and the regime itself that acted in this cruel and cold-blooded way. Although, as I have said before, this book was hard-hitting due to details of pains and sufferings Din and his family were forced to endure, including constant starvation and illness, I was nevertheless glad I read this book. To read a memoir of a survivor of these unimaginable events was so important, for both education and remembrance of the quarter of Cambodian’s population who were killed during the Cambodian genocide.
Sokphal Din has continued to educate people of all ages and to do fantastic charity work and we should be thankful that he wanted to detail and share his experiences with us.
– Leyla M.