a Jewish family saga
Speaking to challenges faced by daughters and granddaughters of Holocaust survivors who modeled many mixed messages. In spite of the hardships, the novel portrays a compelling story of growth.
About the Book
Three New York City girls form an irrevocable bond that compensates for the emotional needs not met by their own families. Through the lens of the main character, To Live Another Day directly speaks to the day-to-day challenges faced by daughters and granddaughters of Holocaust survivors who modeled many mixed messages. In spite of the hardships, the novel portrays a compelling story of growth.
Readers who enjoy women’s fiction, epic family sagas with vivid, passionate characters or are interested in the diverse spectrum within the Brooklyn Jewish community, will be drawn to this unforgettable story of love, faith, determination, courage and triumph.
I met Dr. Elizabeth Rosenberg through a referral from another client, and although I am not much of a book editor, I do read a lot. So, I agreed to read her novel as a beta reader and offer some suggestions. I am flattered that she trusted me with this task. As an aspiring fiction writer myself, it's nerve-wracking to give a piece of you (although fiction) to a complete stranger to critique. I am so grateful she did because I have been blessed by her novels, her real-life story, and her friendship.
The three precious friends at the center of this story hooked me in like a fourth wheel. I journeyed with them and wished I could be friends with them in real life. I am not Jewish, but joining in their joys and sorrows gave me an insight into a vibrant culture. Fay, Ray, and May are all Jewish but come from completely different backgrounds, which means their cultural and religious traditions are all diverse. I learned so much! Dr. Rosenberg writes a rich tapestry of history and culture that made me feel like a welcome houseguest. I had difficulty putting this book down because I laughed and cried along with these girls.
As engaging as the story is, it also tells another tale. It tells the tale of the trauma experienced by survivors of the Holocaust and how it affects their families for generations. Fay's grandmother Ava and her sisters survived the camps, yet they carried that legacy in the way they raised their daughters and how their daughters raised their granddaughters.
Spoiler alert - this is the first book in a series. This is the story of the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor. At the end of this novel, I imagine you'll be on the edge of your seat (or wherever you read) to hear the stories of Fay’s mother as well as Ava and her sisters.
Dr. Elizabeth’s debut novel moved me on more levels than I can explain, so buy the book and tell your friends to do the same. You'll be glad you did.
– Trudi Griffin
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