A very unique novel: part philosophy, part history part travel adventure but deeply personal and seeringly honest
Intelligent and humorous Turbulence is a deeply human adventure novel that dares to dive into the realms of erotica and inspirational romance.
A promising young academic flies off on an adventure, in search of romance, passion and love
He loves exotic travel and alluring women, preferably together. Embarking on a lifelong journey across the world, a razor-sharp academic delights in highly sensual encounters with the opposite sex. As each experience deepens his philosophy, he experiments on a quest for something more, suffering several hard landings along the way.
But drink, ambition, and tragedy eventually send him down a bumpy path of self-destruction. If he doesn’t moderate his excesses, his original journey will only go in one direction… into a death spiral. Will a determined man learn from his travels or will his hedonistic vision send him crashing down to earth?
Turbulence – Love can be a bumpy ride is a rich and poignant literary novel. If you like sizzling indulgences, intriguing encounters, and anti-heroes with attitude, then you’ll love Bruce McLaren’s extravagant adventure.
A young man’s flight of fancy. A series of sensual encounters. An epic journey that will either lead to destruction, enlightenment, or both.
One of Amsterdam Publisher’s favorite novels: profound, intelligent and superbly written