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New releases by Amsterdam Publishers

We Shall Not Shatter

We Shall Not Shatter

$18,95eBook: $2,99
On the eve of the Nazi invasion of Poland. An unforgettable story of friendship family and hope. As both love and war approach their Polish town, Zofia Catholic, and Aanya Jewish and deaf—must make choices that will change the meaning of family, home, and their precious friendship.
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Un grito de protesta

Un grito de protesta

$14,95eBook: $4,99

La fascinante autobiografía de un superviviente de los campos de concentración.

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The Right to Happiness. After all they went through. Stories

The Right to Happiness. After all they went through. Stories

$16,95eBook: $4,99

This intimate and poignant fiction paints the panorama of the emotional canvas of people affected by the Holocaust: renewal as well as trauma, insight as well as sorrow, ingenuity as well as loss.

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Hiding in Holland

Hiding in Holland

$19,95eBook: $5,99

One of the lucky few! In this riveting memoir, daughter (Shulamit Reinharz) and father (Max Rothschild) join forces to explain how Max resisted and outlived the Nazi-occupation of Holland.

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The Courtyard

The Courtyard

5,99eBook: 16,95

When a  working class Jewish family goes into hiding in Nazi-occupied Paris, their neighbors band together to protect them.

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Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight


Discover little-known Holocaust history and a daughter’s quest to know how her father survived. Julie Brill unearths her family’s lost Serbian past, learns secrets, and returns to her dad a small part of what the Nazis stole: his own family history.

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Austrian Again

Austrian Again

$16,95eBook: $5,99

In this poignant memoir, the author uncovers her family’s hidden Holocaust history while navigating Austria’s reparation citizenship process, transforming a legal pursuit into a profound reflection on memory, identity, and what it means to both reclaim a lost heritage and gain a new place in today’s world.

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Under the Pink Triangle

Under the Pink Triangle


When Manny Hoffman and Rudi Klein are arrested and sent to Dachau’s notorious concentration camp, neither expect to find in each other something worth living for. Thrown together by chance, a tender and unforeseen relationship blossoms against a background of unspeakable evil. As they attempt to hold on to their humanity and each other, we also see glimpses into the lives and deaths of other camp inmates, showing that there is more that connects us, than that which divides us.

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Thirteen in Auschwitz

Thirteen in Auschwitz

$18,95eBook: $5,99
Holocaust survivor Ruth tells her life story through a series of letters to her granddaughter, describing her youth in Nazi Germany, surviving Auschwitz and Ravensbrück camps with her mother, then searching for meaning and purpose after the war.
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Farewell Atlantis

Farewell Atlantis

$18,95eBook: $5,99

An important Holocaust memoir written by one of Latvia's most prominent authors and survivors, Valentīna Freimane.

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To Love Another Day

To Love Another Day

$ 17,95eBook: $ 4,99

This novel vividly brings to life the day to day emotional challenges faced by three Jewish-American girls who just want their Holocaust survivor mother to be happy.

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