Holocaust memoir

Amsterdam Publishers is specialized in Holocaust Memoirs.

Rescued from the Ashes

Rescued from the Ashes

$23,95eBook: $5,99

During World War II, a Jewish woman — along with her husband and newborn — fled from the Warsaw Ghetto. This read is the published edition of her diary, in which she recorded their harrowing struggle to survive the Holocaust.

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Holocaust Memoir of Love & Resilience

Holocaust Memoir of Love & Resilience

$16,95eBook: $4,99

The story of a brave Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust in Lithuania and immigrated to the U.S.

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Holocaust Memoirs of a Bergen-Belsen Survivor and Classmate of Anne Frank

Holocaust Memoirs of a Bergen-Belsen Survivor and Classmate of Anne Frank

$14,95eBook: $5,99

A monument to the indestructible nature of the human spirit

Anne Frank's classmate Nanette Blitz Konig relates her amazing story of survival in Bergen-Belsen during WW2 when she was imprisoned by the Nazis.

In these compelling, award-winning Holocaust memoirs, Nanette Blitz Konig relates her amazing story of survival during the Second World War. Together with her family and millions of other Jews she was imprisoned by the Nazis. At Bergen-Belsen she had a minimum chance of survival.

Nanette (b. 1929) was a class mate of Anne Frank in the Jewish Lyceum of Amsterdam. They met again in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly before Anne Frank died. During these emotional encounters, Anne Frank revealed how the Frank family hid in the annex. She talked about their subsequent deportation, her experience in Auschwitz and her plans for her diary after the war.

This honest WW2 story, Holocaust Memoirs of a Bergen-Belsen Survivor and Classmate of Anne Frank, describes the hourly battle for survival under the brutal conditions in the camp imposed by the Nazi regime. It continues with her struggle to recover from the effects of starvation and tuberculosis after the war. Gradually she was able to restart her life, marry and build a family.

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Among the Reeds – The true story of how a family survived the Holocaust

Among the Reeds – The true story of how a family survived the Holocaust

$16,95eBook: $4,99

Fascinating story of a Jewish family's survival during World War II in Eastern Europe, told by pediatrician who researched her own family tree.

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The Dead Years Holocaust Memoirs

The Dead Years Holocaust Memoirs

$19,99eBook: $5,99

Joseph Schupack's poignant story offers a unique perspective on the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations. Proceeds benefit YadVashem.

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Tote Jahre – Eine jüdische Leidensgeschichte

Tote Jahre – Eine jüdische Leidensgeschichte

$19,95eBook: $4,99

Joseph Schupack beschreibt den eigenen Leidensweg und den verzweifelten Kampf ums Überleben, seine Erlebnisse in Majdanek, Auschwitz und anderen Konzentrationslagern wie Dora-Nordhausen und Bergen-Belsen.

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Outcry Holocaust Memoirs

Outcry Holocaust Memoirs

$19,99eBook: $5,99Audiobook: $17,95

Outcry is an explicit Holocaust survivor story told through the eyes of an old man forcing himself to relive years of intense suffering.

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Souvenirs d’un survivant de la shoah

Souvenirs d’un survivant de la shoah

$17,95eBook: $4,99

Un livre qui nous transmet la souffrance des blessures les plus profondes de l'âme.

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Il Grido di Protesta

Il Grido di Protesta

$16,95eBook: $5,99

Manny Steinberg ci lascia in eredità una testimonianza importante e una storia difficile da dimenticare.


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Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen – Erinnerungen an den Holocaust

Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen – Erinnerungen an den Holocaust

$17,95eBook: $3,99

Ein sehr ergreifendes Buch, was zum nachdenken anregt. Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen ist mitreißend und sehr bewegend.

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Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs – A Candle and a Promise

Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs – A Candle and a Promise

$19,99eBook: $5,99

Hank Brodt’s Holocaust memoirs are a necessary reminder of one of the ugliest times in the history of human civilization.

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Dead Years Holocaust Memoirs

Dead Years Holocaust Memoirs


Large Print Edition in font size 16 of Joseph Schupack's The Dead Years for the visually impaired in the Amsterdam Publishers Large Print Library.

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Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs – A Candle and a Promise

Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs – A Candle and a Promise


Large Print Edition in font size 16 of Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs for visually impaired in Amsterdam Publishers Large Print Library.

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Outcry Holocaust Memoirs

Outcry Holocaust Memoirs


Large Print Edition in font-size 16 of Manny Steinberg's Outcry Holocaust Memoirs for the visually impaired and the elderly.

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Among the Reeds

Among the Reeds


Large Print Edition in font size 16 of Among the Reeds for the visually impaired in the Amsterdam Publishers Large Print Library.

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V pekle za ostnatými dráty

V pekle za ostnatými dráty

The Czech translation of the celebrated Outcry Holocaust Memoirs by Manny Steinberg

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The House on Thrömerstrasse

The House on Thrömerstrasse

$14,95eBook: $4,99

The House on Thrömerstrasse immerses the reader in the lives and times of one Jewish family over a period of almost 100 years, and does so through a narrative that is both spellbound and exhaustively researched.

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The Corset Maker

The Corset Maker

$19,99eBook: $4.99
“…a tale of the twentieth century that celebrates human resilience…” — Daniel Libeskind, architect; Founder Studio Daniel Libeskind
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Roman’s Journey

Roman’s Journey

$17,95eBook: $5,95

The spellbinding memoirs of Holocaust survivor and artist Roman Halter (1927-2012).

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Footnote to History
In a Land of Forest and Darkness

In a Land of Forest and Darkness

$17,95eBook: $5,99

"Suddenly two pairs of black boots appeared in the shrubbery near us… I looked up very, very slowly, from the boots to the uniforms and all the way up to the caps against the blue sky, and then quickly looked down… Two German officers… Finally, one of them addressed us in German, his attitude business-like, but with a touch of compassion, 'Mensch, du hast keine Zukunft (Man, you have no future).'”

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Creating Beauty from the Abyss

Creating Beauty from the Abyss

$19,95eBook: $4.99

A Search For Artistic Freedom in the Shadow of the Holocaust.

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In the Wake of Madness

In the Wake of Madness

$19,95eBook: $4,95

A powerfully intimate family portrait, this memoir tells the remarkable story of a Jewish family's harrowing escape from Nazi Germany, and provides a unique window into the Jewish diaspora.

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Austrian Again

Austrian Again

$16,95eBook: $5,99

In this poignant memoir, the author uncovers her family’s hidden Holocaust history while navigating Austria’s reparation citizenship process, transforming a legal pursuit into a profound reflection on memory, identity, and what it means to both reclaim a lost heritage and gain a new place in today’s world.

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Remembering Ravensbrück – Holocaust to Healing

Remembering Ravensbrück – Holocaust to Healing

$14,95eBook: $5,99Audiobook: $23,95

Remembering Ravensbrück is the award-winning story of the gripping journey Natalie Hess embarks upon, travelling through the darkest moments of the Holocaust and coming out stronger and wiser at the other end.

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Krisia’s Silence

Krisia’s Silence

$14,95eBook: $4,99

Staying silent meant staying alive during the six years Krisia spent in ghettos and concentration camps. After surviving the Holocaust, she would remain silent for the rest of her life.

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$19,95eBook: $5,99

A Resistance Fighter’s Cry for Freedom

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Ma traversée de l’enfer

Ma traversée de l’enfer

$17,95eBook: $5,95

L'histoire bouleversante d'une jeune survivante des marches de la mort et de l'Holocauste.

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Thirteen in Auschwitz

Thirteen in Auschwitz

$18,95eBook: $5,99
Holocaust survivor Ruth tells her life story through a series of letters to her granddaughter, describing her youth in Nazi Germany, surviving Auschwitz and Ravensbrück camps with her mother, then searching for meaning and purpose after the war.
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Living Among the Dead

Living Among the Dead

$14,95eBook: $4,99

Living among the Dead is the award-winning story of one remarkable young woman's journey through the rise of the Nazi regime, the Second World War, and the aftermath.

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Defying Death on the Danube

Defying Death on the Danube

$16,95eBook: $4,99

Defying Death on the Danube is a must-read story of strength, survival, and resiliency.

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In the Time of Madmen

In the Time of Madmen

$16,95eBook: $4,99

Identity is a product of time and place. Who we are is inextricably linked to the forces of history.

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J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste

J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste

$14,95eBook: $4,95

Dans ces mémoires, Nanette raconte l'histoire de sa survie durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle retrace l'itinéraire de sa déportation - celle de sa famille, mais aussi de millions d'autres juifs.

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Farewell Atlantis

Farewell Atlantis

$18,95eBook: $5,99

An important Holocaust memoir written by one of Latvia's most prominent authors and survivors, Valentīna Freimane.

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Searching for Home

Searching for Home

$18,95eBook: $4,99

The story of a child survivor, a Jewish boy who is hidden in the Netherlands during WWII and after the war is returned to his parents at age three. His porcelain psyche is damaged and his closest companions are fear and distrust.

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A Doorway to Heroism

A Doorway to Heroism

$15,95eBook: $4,99

The story of Richard Stern, whose photograph - showing a rare Jewish protest in Nazi Germany - hangs in multiple German museums. He was the author's Great Uncle.

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The Butterfly and the Axe

The Butterfly and the Axe

$16,95eBook: $4,95

In this tragic tale, a young Ukrainian is ordered to kill Jews in order to be accepted by the Ukrainian Partisans, a dreadful ordeal he carries in secret to his death.

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Beyond Borders

Beyond Borders

$16,95eBook: $5,95

The extraordinary memoir of a living veteran, who was witness and protagonist of World War II and the Diaspora of millions of Jews forced to migrate across borders. It is also the story of a boy growing into a man, whose identity is shaped in wartime, as he ponders on war values, idealism, national identity, migration, first love, and family ties.

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Wolf. A Story of Hate

Wolf. A Story of Hate

$17,95eBook: $9,99

Wolf's story is relevant today, as it resonates with decent human beings who are concerned about morally corrupt leadership and self-serving corporations.

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Holocaust Memories

Holocaust Memories

$14,95eBook: $5,99

An historical account of escaping genocide as a young Jewish boy in Slovakia, often walking through woods or catching trains with no particular destination in mind, only the will to survive.

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Flower of Vlora

Flower of Vlora

$19,95eBook: $4,95

Covering the years 1938 through the present, Flower of Vlora is a lively, funny and tense first person account of Dr. Anna Kohen’s Romaniote-Jewish family in Albania, and how they were saved from the Nazis by Muslim Albanians.

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Before the Beginning and After the End

Before the Beginning and After the End

$19,95eBook: $5,99

The Nazis and their collaborators found diverse ways of diminishing, humiliating, and ultimately murdering Jews. Despite the horrors experienced during the Holocaust, survivors could find strength through one another and by finding meaning in their lives, denying the evil madman the victory he desired.

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Save My Children

Save My Children

$19,95eBook: $5,99

Save My Children by Leon Kleiner will inspire people to never give up on life and to fight to survive against the most improbable odds.

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Holocaust Erinnerungen von Hank Brodt

Holocaust Erinnerungen von Hank Brodt

$18,99eBook: $3,99

Hank Brodts Holocaust-Memoire ist eine notwendige Erinnerung an eine der schlimmsten Zeiten in der Menschheitsgeschichte.

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Monsters and Miracles

Monsters and Miracles

$19,95eBook: $5,99

Few methods of examining the roots of antisemitism are more revealing than the study of folklore and stereotypes. This is critical to understanding why the Holocaust happened.

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Rette meine Kinder

Rette meine Kinder

$17,95eBook: $4,95

Ein jüdischer Junge und seine Geschwister kämpfen um ihr Überleben, nachdem die Nazis in Polen eingefallen sind.
Wie durch ein Wunder entkommen sie, als die Faschisten ihre Heimatstadt judenrein machen.
Das Glück scheint sie verlassen zu haben, doch unerwartete Hilfe in Form eines berüchtigten Antisemiten naht.

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Heart Songs – A Holocaust Memoir

Heart Songs – A Holocaust Memoir

$16,95eBook: $3,99

In Heart Songs - A Holocaust memoir,  the author traverses the landscape of memory, love and loss and breathes new life into the stories of her grandmother, aunt and cousin, who perished in the camps, and her father, who escaped and became one of "The Ritchie Boys".

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J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste
My March Through Hell

My March Through Hell

$19,95eBook: $6,95

Reflecting on her miraculous survival of the Holocaust and the Volary death march, Halina Kleiner attributes her survival to a series of lucky occurrences. “You could say that I won the lottery repeatedly until the game finally stopped”.

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The Engineers

The Engineers

$19,95eBook: $5,99

The real story of a family man's unbreakable journey through the Holocaust. A memoir 80 years in the making.

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Shoes of the Shoah

Shoes of the Shoah

$14,95eBook: $4,99

Heart-wrenching account of a young woman enduring Nazi atrocities in the Kovno ghetto in Lithuania.

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Wykrzyczeć prawdę

Wykrzyczeć prawdę

eBook: $3,99

Wciągająca autobiografia ocalałego z obozu koncentracyjnego. Brutalnie szczera opowieść o ludzkiej wytrzymałości z czasów II wojny światowej.

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Zaidy’s War

Zaidy’s War

$18,95eBook: $4,95

Giving back to others becomes a way for this survivor to come to terms with the destruction his family, friends, and people faced.

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$18,95eBook: $5,95

Winter Light is about a sequence of serendipitous rescues—an emotional rags-to-riches story spanning decades through the milestones of an unexpectedly fortuitous life. At its core stands a little girl buffeted by huge historical events which she didn’t live through personally but which marked her forever.

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Defiant German – Defiant Jew

Defiant German – Defiant Jew

$21,95eBook: $5,99

Could German Jews have done more to rebel against the Nazis and resist deportation to slaughter? Dr. Walter Leopold faced this question in real time, and shares his story of Jewish resistance in this shocking WW2 diary.

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$11,95eBook: $3,99

Un Commovente Diario carico di Memorie dell'Olocausto.

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The Apprentice of Buchenwald

The Apprentice of Buchenwald

$19,95eBook: $4,95

A detailed, beautifully written story about the author's grandfather’s experiences before, during and after the Holocaust.

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Holocaust Erinnerungen

Holocaust Erinnerungen

$16,95eBook: $4,95

Ein Fotoalbum war eines der wenigen Familienbesitztümer, das den Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Slowakei überlebte. Heute erkennt Paul Davidovits als einziger noch die Menschen auf den Fotos und in diesen Memoiren erzählt er ihre Geschichten.

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Canzoni del Cuore

Canzoni del Cuore

$14,95eBook: $3,99

Quando i Nazzisti invasero la Cecoslovacchia nel marzo del 1939, la famiglia Buchsbaum scelse diverse strade per sfuggire alle brutalità naziste. Essere intelligenti non era abbastanza per sopravvivere alle SS; le scelte sbagliate potevano risultare fatali. Le loro storie vivono in Canzoni del Cuore - Memorie sull'Olocausto e nell’eredità d’amore e perdita dell’autrice, una sopravvissuta all’Olocausto di seconda generazione.

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The Shoemaker’s Son

The Shoemaker’s Son

$16,95eBook: $4,99

 The Shoemaker’s Son tells the true story of two Jewish families’ fights to survive under Soviet and Nazi rule and their struggles to rebuild in the aftermath.

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The Journey of a Hidden Child

The Journey of a Hidden Child

$17,95eBook: $5,99

The Journey of a Hidden Child charts the strenuous efforts of a son trying to piece together his family’s story during WWII.

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I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name

I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name

$17,95eBook: $5,99

Ten gripping stories from the Holocaust, with survivors miraculously defying the odds, emerging to triumph over evil, and ultimately living long and meaningful lives in Florida.

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If Anyone Calls, Tell Them I Died

If Anyone Calls, Tell Them I Died

$14,99eBook: $4,99

This true story highlights in a personal and poignant way how traumas caused by the Nazis can have devasting effects even for survivors who managed to flee this evil regime in time.

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Das Haus in der Thrömerstrasse

Das Haus in der Thrömerstrasse

Dieses gut recherchierte Buch von Ron Vincent verfolgt das Schicksal, die Tragödie, die Vertreibung und die allmähliche Erneuerung einer wohlhabenden jüdischen Familie aus Oberschlesien über einen Zeitraum von 100 Jahren.

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Running for Shelter

Running for Shelter

$16,95eBook: $5,95

A gripping Holocaust story for Young Adults, based on a true survivor story, filled with joy and sorrow.

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Mi marcha a través del infierno

Mi marcha a través del infierno

$16,95eBook: $4,95

Mi marcha a través del infierno: un relato cautivante de la historia de una jovencita superviviente del Holocausto.

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Hidden in Berlin

Hidden in Berlin

$14,95eBook: $4,99

This deeply saddening yet touching memoir is not only about the horrific Nazi regime and how it affected both Lilo and Ernst, but it is also a memoir to recognize and thank the heroic people who put themselves in danger to save their lives.

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