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A Quiet Genocide – The Untold Holocaust of Disabled Children in WW2 Germany
A Quiet Genocide is a compelling historical fiction novel for Young Adults based on true facts.
More info →The Time Between
Historical Young Adult novel about three young Jewish women and their lives in Amsterdam during the German occupation in World War II.
More info →When We Disappeared
When a Jewish and a Roma woman in war-torn Germany can no longer hide in plain sight, they begin a journey made more dangerous by vigilant enemies. When We Disappeared is a tale of how women risk prejudice and hatred to reunite with their loved ones.
More info →A Semblance of Justice
Author and Holocaust survivor Wolf Holles’s personal experiences intricately woven into a convincing WWII historical fiction novel.
More info →The Precious Few
Telling the story of the love and dedication of a young brother and sister, Polish Jews, during the tumultuous start of World War II.
More info →Under the Pink Triangle
When Manny Hoffman and Rudi Klein are arrested and sent to Dachau’s notorious concentration camp, neither expect to find in each other something worth living for. Thrown together by chance, a tender and unforeseen relationship blossoms against a background of unspeakable evil. As they attempt to hold on to their humanity and each other, we also see glimpses into the lives and deaths of other camp inmates, showing that there is more that connects us, than that which divides us.
More info →Mendelevski’s Box
Award-winning book: Mendelevski's box. He survived Auschwitz but now Simon Mendelevski has to find out who betrayed his family.
More info →Brave Face
The true story of an indomitable half-German child who lived through the Nazi Occupation in The Netherlands
More info →Dutch Defense
If his friends' resistance activities are exposed, he will be shot and they may be tortured to death. His houseguest happens to be a Nazi officer...
More info →When We Had Wings
When We Had Wings is a historical fiction novel by Tami Shem-Tov, inspired by the Korczak orphanage in Warsaw, Poland.
More info →We Shall Not Shatter
The Boy Behind the Door
The meaningless cruelty and violence of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands is brought to the fore in this important WWII story.
More info →Under the Light of the Italian Moon
A bestselling historical fiction novel, based on a true story and heartbreaking real events.
More info →The Knife-Edge Path
As an ardent, long-time admirer of Pat Leahy's meticulously crafted and at times almost painterly prose, I devoured his latest work in a couple of nights and am still reeling from the experience. In its mining of the human heart's darkest corners, The Knife-Edge Path is just a tremendous read: the plotting tight as a harp-string and the characters drawn with such beautiful delicacy, the scope and sense of place genuinely stunning. This is a hugely impressive offering from a writer of significant talent, one that deserves the attention of the widest possible audience. If there's any justice in the world, he'll have a runaway bestseller on his hands. - Billy O'Callaghan, author of My Coney Island Baby
More info →Our Daughters’ Last Hope
A mesmerizing story, set during one of the world’s most harrowing carnages, of two mothers as they cross enemy lines for the sake of their daughters’ futures.
More info →Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1940 Herta, and her family, Jewish refugees, are living contentedly until the Nazi invasion, which echoes the persecution and fear they experienced before fleeing Germany. Across town, another wife and mother, Julia, also faces upheaval when her husband becomes more involved in the Nazis’ effort in controlling the world.
When their husbands go missing, one accused falsely of crimes and the other to fight on behalf of the Nazis, Herta, despite the heartache, takes charge and places her daughters into hiding believing they’ll keep safe. Meanwhile, Julia, as the only parent home, chooses to redefine family. These unexpected developments bring Herta and Julia together… until their true identities surface and they’re thrown into dangerous consequences that could harm not only them but their daughters.… Read the rest
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Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1940 Herta, and her family, Jewish refugees, are living contentedly until the Nazi invasion, which echoes the persecution and fear they experienced before fleeing Germany. Across town, another wife and mother, Julia, also faces upheaval when her husband becomes more involved in the Nazis’ effort in controlling the world.
When their husbands go missing, one accused falsely of crimes and the other to fight on behalf of the Nazis, Herta, despite the heartache, takes charge and places her daughters into hiding believing they’ll keep safe. Meanwhile, Julia, as the only parent home, chooses to redefine family. These unexpected developments bring Herta and Julia together… until their true identities surface and they’re thrown into dangerous consequences that could harm not only them but their daughters.… Read the rest
Nothing Found
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1940 Herta, and her family, Jewish refugees, are living contentedly until the Nazi invasion, which echoes the persecution and fear they experienced before fleeing Germany. Across town, another wife and mother, Julia, also faces upheaval when her husband becomes more involved in the Nazis’ effort in controlling the world.
When their husbands go missing, one accused falsely of crimes and the other to fight on behalf of the Nazis, Herta, despite the heartache, takes charge and places her daughters into hiding believing they’ll keep safe. Meanwhile, Julia, as the only parent home, chooses to redefine family. These unexpected developments bring Herta and Julia together… until their true identities surface and they’re thrown into dangerous consequences that could harm not only them but their daughters.… Read the rest
Nothing Found
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1940 Herta, and her family, Jewish refugees, are living contentedly until the Nazi invasion, which echoes the persecution and fear they experienced before fleeing Germany. Across town, another wife and mother, Julia, also faces upheaval when her husband becomes more involved in the Nazis’ effort in controlling the world.
When their husbands go missing, one accused falsely of crimes and the other to fight on behalf of the Nazis, Herta, despite the heartache, takes charge and places her daughters into hiding believing they’ll keep safe. Meanwhile, Julia, as the only parent home, chooses to redefine family. These unexpected developments bring Herta and Julia together… until their true identities surface and they’re thrown into dangerous consequences that could harm not only them but their daughters.… Read the rest
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Tote Jahre – Eine jüdische Leidensgeschichte
Joseph Schupack beschreibt den eigenen Leidensweg und den verzweifelten Kampf ums Überleben, seine Erlebnisse in Majdanek, Auschwitz und anderen Konzentrationslagern wie Dora-Nordhausen und Bergen-Belsen.
More info →Souvenirs d’un survivant de la shoah
Un livre qui nous transmet la souffrance des blessures les plus profondes de l'âme.
More info →Il Grido di Protesta
Manny Steinberg ci lascia in eredità una testimonianza importante e una storia difficile da dimenticare.
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Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen – Erinnerungen an den Holocaust
Ein sehr ergreifendes Buch, was zum nachdenken anregt. Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen ist mitreißend und sehr bewegend.
More info →764 Dagen
Het indringende verhaal van een jonge Nederlandse dwangarbeider die een bijzonder deel van de tweede wereldoorlog heeft beleefd dat niet vergeten mag worden.
More info →V pekle za ostnatými dráty
The Czech translation of the celebrated Outcry Holocaust Memoirs by Manny Steinberg
More info →Canzoni del Cuore
Quando i Nazzisti invasero la Cecoslovacchia nel marzo del 1939, la famiglia Buchsbaum scelse diverse strade per sfuggire alle brutalità naziste. Essere intelligenti non era abbastanza per sopravvivere alle SS; le scelte sbagliate potevano risultare fatali. Le loro storie vivono in Canzoni del Cuore - Memorie sull'Olocausto e nell’eredità d’amore e perdita dell’autrice, una sopravvissuta all’Olocausto di seconda generazione.
More info →Holocaust Erinnerungen
Ein Fotoalbum war eines der wenigen Familienbesitztümer, das den Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Slowakei überlebte. Heute erkennt Paul Davidovits als einziger noch die Menschen auf den Fotos und in diesen Memoiren erzählt er ihre Geschichten.
More info →Mi marcha a través del infierno
Mi marcha a través del infierno: un relato cautivante de la historia de una jovencita superviviente del Holocausto.
More info →Żyjąc wśród umarłych
Indywidualne historie pozwalają nam zajrzeć do serca bohatera – to właśnie gwarantuje książka Adeny Berstein.
More info →Liebesgrüße aus Auschwitz
Erzählt von Manci Grunberger Beran & Ruth Grunberger Mermelstein
More info →Žmogus anapus upės
Paprastas Jankelio gyvenimas griūva, kai naciai įsiveržia į Rumuniją. Fašistiniam diktatoriui Jonui Antonesku, įvedant vis žiauresnius antisemitinius potvarkius, Rumunijos žydų bendruomenę ištinka Holokausto baisumai.
More info →Vivir entre muertos
Adena Bernstein Astrowsky describe un importante y trágico capítulo de la historia mundial en Vivir entre muertos.
More info →Ma traversée de l’enfer
L'histoire bouleversante d'une jeune survivante des marches de la mort et de l'Holocauste.
More info →J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste
Dans ces mémoires, Nanette raconte l'histoire de sa survie durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle retrace l'itinéraire de sa déportation - celle de sa famille, mais aussi de millions d'autres juifs.
More info →Holocaust Erinnerungen von Hank Brodt
Hank Brodts Holocaust-Memoire ist eine notwendige Erinnerung an eine der schlimmsten Zeiten in der Menschheitsgeschichte.
More info →J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste
Un hommage à la force indestructible de l’esprit humain
More info →Wykrzyczeć prawdę
Wciągająca autobiografia ocalałego z obozu koncentracyjnego. Brutalnie szczera opowieść o ludzkiej wytrzymałości z czasów II wojny światowej.
More info →Mein Marsch durch die Hölle
Dies ist die Überlebensgeschichte eines jungen polnischen Mädchens, dem es gelingt, vor einer Aktion, die ihre Heimatstadt judenrein machen sollte, zu fliehen. Die junge Halina Goldberg arbeitet über ein Jahr lang unter immer schwieriger werdenden Bedingungen in unterschiedlichen Arbeitslagern und wird schließlich mit 2.000 anderen Frauen auf einen grausamen Todesmarsch durch den harten Winter 1945 geschickt, den nur wenige überleben würden.
More info →Das Cello singt noch immer
...eine wundervolle Erinnerung an ihren Vater und ein Beweis für die beständige Macht der Musik und ihre Fähigkeit, Menschen zu vereinen.
More info →Das Haus in der Thrömerstrasse
Dieses gut recherchierte Buch von Ron Vincent verfolgt das Schicksal, die Tragödie, die Vertreibung und die allmähliche Erneuerung einer wohlhabenden jüdischen Familie aus Oberschlesien über einen Zeitraum von 100 Jahren.
More info →Môj Ľvov
Silný zápisník plný surových spomienok na holokaust.
Prešla si hrôzou a prežila, aby mohla rozprávať príbehy tých, ktorí nemali také šťastie…
Rette meine Kinder
Ein jüdischer Junge und seine Geschwister kämpfen um ihr Überleben, nachdem die Nazis in Polen eingefallen sind.
Wie durch ein Wunder entkommen sie, als die Faschisten ihre Heimatstadt judenrein machen.
Das Glück scheint sie verlassen zu haben, doch unerwartete Hilfe in Form eines berüchtigten Antisemiten naht.
Der Lehrling Buchenwalds
Diese universelle, wahre Geschichte über innere Stärke, Einfallsreichtum und Optimismus wurde von Alexanders Enkel, Oren Schneider, dokumentiert und niedergeschrieben. Sie ist den mutigen Menschen gewidmet, die nicht aufgeben wollen.
More info →Un grito de protesta
La fascinante autobiografía de un superviviente de los campos de concentración.
More info →Sauvez mes enfants
Une histoire unique en son genre au message rempli d’espoir : il n’est pas de haine qui nepuisse être surmontée.
More info →Holocaust Memoiren einer Bergen-Belsen Überlebenden
Ein eindrucksvolles Buch, dass jeder lesen sollte.
More info →Memorias de Hank Brodt
Uno de los pocos libros de la experiencia del Holocausto escrito por los descendientes de los supervivientes.
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