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Souvenirs d’un survivant de la shoah
Un livre qui nous transmet la souffrance des blessures les plus profondes de l'âme.
More info →Il Grido di Protesta
Manny Steinberg ci lascia in eredità una testimonianza importante e una storia difficile da dimenticare.
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Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen – Erinnerungen an den Holocaust
Ein sehr ergreifendes Buch, was zum nachdenken anregt. Aufschrei gegen das Vergessen ist mitreißend und sehr bewegend.
More info →Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs – A Candle and a Promise
Large Print Edition in font size 16 of Hank Brodt Holocaust Memoirs for visually impaired in Amsterdam Publishers Large Print Library.
More info →The Caribbean – A travelogue
Jacob Gelt Dekker's The Caribbean is a travelogue but reads like a novel, providing us with a rollicking narrative and a rich brew of colorful facts. Educational and entertaining!
More info →764 Dagen
Het indringende verhaal van een jonge Nederlandse dwangarbeider die een bijzonder deel van de tweede wereldoorlog heeft beleefd dat niet vergeten mag worden.
More info →Rembrandt Etchings – Looking at Rembrandt’s Prints
An accessible book that will guide you on your visual journey of discovery and allows you to see why Rembrandt was the greatest of all 17th-century printmakers.
More info →Le Musée Van Gogh à Amsterdam
Le Musée Van Gogh guide de visite abondamment illustré qui met en lumière les pièces maîtresses du Musée Van Gogh.
More info →The 1-Hour Van Gogh Book
If you want to gain a greater appreciation for one of the most fascinating artists of all time, the 1-Hour Van Gogh Book is highly recommended.
More info →Van Gogh in Love
The story of Vincent van Gogh's longing for love and family, exploring the lesser-known area of the artist's love life: Van Gogh in Love.
More info →Van Gogh and Money – The Myth of the Poor Artist
Van Gogh and Money presents a more nuanced view of Vincent van Gogh as the impoverished artist.
More info →Van Gogh Today short stories
Refreshingly different work of literary fiction of Vincent van Gogh in our modern world.
More info →La lutte intérieure de Van Gogh
La lutte intérieure de Van Gogh est un livre sur sa vie, son œuvre et la maladie mentale de Van Gogh.
More info →Van Gogh: Portrait de l’artiste
Lire Van Gogh : Portrait de l'Artiste avant (ou après) une exposition vous permettra de profiter pleinement de la contemplation des oeuvres.
More info →Van Gogh durera toujours: nouvelles
Un recueil de huit nouvelles, narrant l'histoire de huit vies qui furent influencées d'une façon ou d'une autre par Vincent van Gogh.
More info →Una Hora con Van Gogh
Si es un admirador del pintor, Una hora con Van Gogh es una obra que no puede faltar en su estantería.
More info →Van Gogh y sus cartas a Theo – Más allá de la leyenda
Van Gogh y sus cartas a Theo es la segunda parte de la serie Misterios de Van Gogh.
More info →El Legado de Van Gogh – Pequeños relatos
Un libro de introspección basado en la observación de varias pinturas de Van Gogh...donde se devela la profundidad de matices nuevos que lego a la pintura contemporánea que fue la expresión de su genio y la complejidad de su vida.
More info →Van Goghs Vrouwen – Tragische Liefdes
In zijn korte leven was Van Gogh diverse malen verliefd. Vaak op 'foute' vrouwen. Het liep op niets uit, en de ware zou hij nooit tegenkomen. Van Goghs Vrouwen is geheel gewijd aan dit thema.
More info →Wanda Landowska – Manuel de Falla Correspondance (1922-1931)
La correspondance, entretenue entre le compositeur espagnol Manuel de Falla et la claveciniste franco-polonaise Wanda Landowska.
More info →Krisia’s Silence
Staying silent meant staying alive during the six years Krisia spent in ghettos and concentration camps. After surviving the Holocaust, she would remain silent for the rest of her life.
More info →Creating Beauty from the Abyss
A Search For Artistic Freedom in the Shadow of the Holocaust.
More info →The Apprentice of Buchenwald
A detailed, beautifully written story about the author's grandfather’s experiences before, during and after the Holocaust.
More info →Ma traversée de l’enfer
L'histoire bouleversante d'une jeune survivante des marches de la mort et de l'Holocauste.
More info →The Right to Happiness. After all they went through. Stories
This intimate and poignant fiction paints the panorama of the emotional canvas of people affected by the Holocaust: renewal as well as trauma, insight as well as sorrow, ingenuity as well as loss.
More info →Defying Death on the Danube
Defying Death on the Danube is a must-read story of strength, survival, and resiliency.
More info →Land of Many Bridges
Told with great care and sensitivity, Land of Many Bridges is a second-generation Holocaust memoir that is at its core is about the love within a family.
More info →The Journey of a Hidden Child
The Journey of a Hidden Child charts the strenuous efforts of a son trying to piece together his family’s story during WWII.
More info →J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste
Dans ces mémoires, Nanette raconte l'histoire de sa survie durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle retrace l'itinéraire de sa déportation - celle de sa famille, mais aussi de millions d'autres juifs.
More info →Mein Marsch durch die Hölle
Dies ist die Überlebensgeschichte eines jungen polnischen Mädchens, dem es gelingt, vor einer Aktion, die ihre Heimatstadt judenrein machen sollte, zu fliehen. Die junge Halina Goldberg arbeitet über ein Jahr lang unter immer schwieriger werdenden Bedingungen in unterschiedlichen Arbeitslagern und wird schließlich mit 2.000 anderen Frauen auf einen grausamen Todesmarsch durch den harten Winter 1945 geschickt, den nur wenige überleben würden.
More info →A Doorway to Heroism
The story of Richard Stern, whose photograph - showing a rare Jewish protest in Nazi Germany - hangs in multiple German museums. He was the author's Great Uncle.
More info →Beyond Borders
The extraordinary memoir of a living veteran, who was witness and protagonist of World War II and the Diaspora of millions of Jews forced to migrate across borders. It is also the story of a boy growing into a man, whose identity is shaped in wartime, as he ponders on war values, idealism, national identity, migration, first love, and family ties.
More info →Das Cello singt noch immer
...eine wundervolle Erinnerung an ihren Vater und ein Beweis für die beständige Macht der Musik und ihre Fähigkeit, Menschen zu vereinen.
More info →Holocaust Memories
An historical account of escaping genocide as a young Jewish boy in Slovakia, often walking through woods or catching trains with no particular destination in mind, only the will to survive.
More info →When the Music Stopped
When the Music Stopped is a brilliantly crafted historical account that follows the inspiring life of Willy Rosen from his time as a celebrated German Soldier in WWI, a famous entertainer, and finally, a victim of Auschwitz’s gas chambers. It is a heart-warming story that reminds us that beauty can exist amidst horror.
More info →Running for Shelter
A gripping Holocaust story for Young Adults, based on a true survivor story, filled with joy and sorrow.
More info →Before the Beginning and After the End
The Nazis and their collaborators found diverse ways of diminishing, humiliating, and ultimately murdering Jews. Despite the horrors experienced during the Holocaust, survivors could find strength through one another and by finding meaning in their lives, denying the evil madman the victory he desired.
More info →The Unspeakable
When research reveals hushed WWII trauma embedded in a British family of Czech-Jewish ancestry.
More info →There was a garden in Nuremberg
An epic and haunting story set in the city of Nuremberg, There Was a Garden in Nuremberg brings to light the unheard voices of ordinary people as they navigate the peril of Nazi Germany. Based on the author's family history.
More info →On Sunny Days We Sang
The moving story of two survivors from Wlodawa. A loop in time, a capsule of the past, ''On Sunny Days We Sang'' resurrects with brilliant accuracy of detail, the turmoil stained on Polish ground during the Second World War.
More info →When We Had Wings
When We Had Wings is a historical fiction novel by Tami Shem-Tov, inspired by the Korczak orphanage in Warsaw, Poland.
More info →Rette meine Kinder
Ein jüdischer Junge und seine Geschwister kämpfen um ihr Überleben, nachdem die Nazis in Polen eingefallen sind.
Wie durch ein Wunder entkommen sie, als die Faschisten ihre Heimatstadt judenrein machen.
Das Glück scheint sie verlassen zu haben, doch unerwartete Hilfe in Form eines berüchtigten Antisemiten naht.
The Courtyard
When a working class Jewish family goes into hiding in Nazi-occupied Paris, their neighbors band together to protect them.
More info →Holocaust Erinnerungen von Hank Brodt
Hank Brodts Holocaust-Memoire ist eine notwendige Erinnerung an eine der schlimmsten Zeiten in der Menschheitsgeschichte.
More info →The Girl Who Counted Numbers
While trying to find her missing uncle, with the Adolf Eichmann trial in the background, Susan Reich explores awakening emotions in herself and gets involved in the political struggles of the moment.
More info →The Silk Factory
A memoir about the Holocaust, generational trauma, and the process of discovering how little we know.
More info →The Engineers
The real story of a family man's unbreakable journey through the Holocaust. A memoir 80 years in the making.
More info →Der Lehrling Buchenwalds
Diese universelle, wahre Geschichte über innere Stärke, Einfallsreichtum und Optimismus wurde von Alexanders Enkel, Oren Schneider, dokumentiert und niedergeschrieben. Sie ist den mutigen Menschen gewidmet, die nicht aufgeben wollen.
More info →Mendelevski’s Box
Award-winning book: Mendelevski's box. He survived Auschwitz but now Simon Mendelevski has to find out who betrayed his family.
More info →J’ai survécu à l’Holocauste
Un hommage à la force indestructible de l’esprit humain
More info →In the Time of Madmen
Identity is a product of time and place. Who we are is inextricably linked to the forces of history.
More info →Sauvez mes enfants
Une histoire unique en son genre au message rempli d’espoir : il n’est pas de haine qui nepuisse être surmontée.
More info →Un grito de protesta
La fascinante autobiografía de un superviviente de los campos de concentración.
More info →Hidden in Plain Sight
Discover little-known Holocaust history and a daughter’s quest to know how her father survived. Julie Brill unearths her family’s lost Serbian past, learns secrets, and returns to her dad a small part of what the Nazis stole: his own family history.
More info →Hillgate Hall
A timeless story of betrayal and strength that takes places within the powerfully imagined setting of the author’s own locale: Norfolk. Nicholas Bundock’s masterful prose conjures up the world of deceit and cynicism that is Hillgate Hall…
More info →The Butterfly and the Axe
In this tragic tale, a young Ukrainian is ordered to kill Jews in order to be accepted by the Ukrainian Partisans, a dreadful ordeal he carries in secret to his death.
More info →The Cello Still Sings
A sweeping history of three generations darkened by the long shadow of the Holocaust, The Cello Still Sings is a vivid, moving, and true story of secrets kept, of personal discovery, and of the power of music to heal and to unite.
More info →Holocaust Memoiren einer Bergen-Belsen Überlebenden
Ein eindrucksvolles Buch, dass jeder lesen sollte.
More info →The Knife-Edge Path
As an ardent, long-time admirer of Pat Leahy's meticulously crafted and at times almost painterly prose, I devoured his latest work in a couple of nights and am still reeling from the experience. In its mining of the human heart's darkest corners, The Knife-Edge Path is just a tremendous read: the plotting tight as a harp-string and the characters drawn with such beautiful delicacy, the scope and sense of place genuinely stunning. This is a hugely impressive offering from a writer of significant talent, one that deserves the attention of the widest possible audience. If there's any justice in the world, he'll have a runaway bestseller on his hands. - Billy O'Callaghan, author of My Coney Island Baby
More info →We Shall Not Shatter
In Aftermath: Coming of Age on Three Continents, Berkovits brings a fresh perspective on the motivations and courage of a family who abandoned their former lives to forge a brighter future.
More info →The Fire and the Bonfire
The thought-provoking and original work centering on a grown son’s journey through his father’s horrifying ordeal during the Holocaust.
More info →Memorias de Hank Brodt
Uno de los pocos libros de la experiencia del Holocausto escrito por los descendientes de los supervivientes.
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